Emily Price

Learn more about Emily Price here

We asked all candidates to fill out a survey and our group has chosen to endorse, recommend or not recommend based on their answers. Here are Emily Price’s responses that shows that she is a great representative for our teachers, students and parents!

How do you define SEL strategies and what do you believe it does in the classroom?

Social Emotional Learning is the process of developing important life skills such as self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision making, relationship skills, and social awareness. There are many tools, resources, and strategies that can be used in the classroom. I see SEL in the classroom as a great way for teachers to manage behavior and create a classroom environment that facilitates learning and growth. Great classroom management involves certain levels and aspects of social emotion learning. Students spend 7 hours a day at school. It is important for them to create good relationships with other students, know how to be a good friend, learn and practice conflict resolution skills, learn how to make good decisions, recognize their emotions, and have the tools necessary to deal with them in an appropriate way. People with strong social-emotional skills are better able to cope with everyday challenges and benefit academically, professionally, and socially. A very large percentage of students struggle with mental health issues. These issues cannot be ignored at school or in the classroom.

What importance do you attribute to PE and health and how do feel about the cuts made to these subject areas in the past?

I received my Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Utah, majoring in Health Education and Health Promotion. I just finished up a long-term substitute teaching position at Syracuse High School teaching 6 periods of Health Education to over 200 students. I cannot overstate the importance of Health Education and Physical Education in K-12 schools. As a health professional, I define health as the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being. I believe wellness is obtained when an individual cares for and has a balance between the three areas of health. Students need to learn about their own health, what affects their health, and various health related skills. This will help them create good habits that will benefit them immediately and carry them into adulthood. As parents, teachers, and administrators, we cannot fully and properly educate a student if their over-all health needs are not being met. Funding for this area of education should not be cut.

What ideas have you formulated that will increase public school funding to keep up with growth, fully compensate teachers for their expertise and commitment to teaching, ensure they have the classroom resources they need to be effective educators, and making teacher retention a priority?

It is up to the State Legislature to determine how taxpayer dollars are allocated for public education. In 2021 they increased the WPU (Weighted Pupil Unit) from $3,596 to $3,809. It is my hope that they will continue to increase the WPU each year. DSD has issued salary increases in 2022 for all employees. This is a trend I support and will continue to support. Competitive pay and benefits packages will help with teacher retention. I think teachers need to be compensated for their extra time and expenses. I support the Bond proposal for DSD that will be on the ballot in November. The projects proposed in the bond will help keep up with growth in Davis County and take care of older buildings in the school district.

How do you define CRT and do you believe it is currently being taught in Utah public schools?

I have found CRT defined in this way: “A practice of interrogating the role of race and racism in society that emerged in the legal academy and spread to other fields of scholarship. It is a cross-disciplinary intellectual and social movement of civil-rights scholars and activists who seek to examine the intersection of race, society, and law in the United States.” It is a very complicated theory that it is considered a graduate level legal topic. I think to fully grasp and understand it, one would need to take an intensive course on the topic. It is not being taught in Davis School District. I don’t think it should be taught to K-12 students. Social Studies is part of the core standards in Utah. The Utah State Board of Education website states that “The Utah Standards for Social Studies reflect the content, concepts, and skills considered essential for all students.” This is where many parents feel “CRT” is being taught. As a parent, I want my children to learn about World History, U.S. History, Utah History, and U.S. Government and Citizenship. I feel that these subjects should be taught in a comprehensive, objective, and age-appropriate manner. History is a messy subject, but we need to learn from it. I think it is appropriate for uncomfortable topics such as slavery, war, the Holocaust, racism, and the civil rights movement to be taught, and to include many perspectives. Teachers should not insert their opinions or political views during this process. Facts are facts and should be taught, even if it makes us uncomfortable.

What vetting process do you support when a parent objects to a book in their child’s school? What actions do you believe school districts should take or not take?

I support the new policy that has been put in place by Davis School District for sensitive materials. I think it is a good compromise. I think banning books is a very slippery slope and infringes on our First Amendment right.

Considering legislation that has been proposed in the last 10 years, how would you vote on voucher/school choice bills?

I support parent choice in education, but I do not support moving taxpayer funds to private entities in the form of vouchers or scholarships.

What are your views on the Summit program or programs like it being implemented in our schools?

I support parent choice in education and believe the Summit Learning Platform should be optional. I think students need less time on laptops, phones, and other electronic devices in school.

What ways can we support diversity in our curriculum so that all students see themselves as culturally relevant?

I think it is important for students to see themselves reflected in books, curriculum, and media. We can support diversity through clubs, organizations, and having an awareness of different cultures. I have seen the positive impact “Latinos In Action” has had on the students at Syracuse High School and West Point Jr. High. I think more programs like LIA would be very beneficial to students.

What have you personally done to support teachers/public education?

I have been involved in my children’s education since my oldest child started Kindergarten in 2005. I have four children and I was a weekly volunteer in each of their elementary classes for fourteen years. I have served on school community councils during the past 10 years which include elementary, Jr high, and high school. I have helped with numerous PTA fundraisers and activities and am currently a substitute teacher for DSD. Our family business has been sponsoring and supporting local schools since we moved to Clinton in 2006.

How will you show your commitment to public education outside of your role as an elected official?

I will continue to be engaged in my children’s education. I will continue to be informed and aware of what is happening with State legislation regarding public education. I will continue to engage with my community and do what is in the best interest of students.